Sentence example with the word 'hollies'


Last update: July 2, 2015


- From Winchester, in Hampshire, to Canterbury, in Kent, runs a road or way which can still be traced, now on the present made roads, now as a lane, bridle path, or cart track, now only by a line of ancient yews, hollies or oaks which once bordered it.   [Please select]


Of hollies no less than eighty-four varieties are grown alongside each other in Mr.   [Please select]


It is a prickly shrub, severe enough, but nothing to compare to catbriars, or even to the hollies of Southern Jersey.   [Please select]


He could make lairs beneath the hollies, glide imperceptibly among the trees, crawl on his belly from tussock to tussock, and startle the very foxes by creeping quite close before they smelled peril.   [Please select]

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hollers - hollies - hollo