Sentence example with the word 'hyperborean'


algid, bitterly cold, cold as marble, freezing, ice-encrusted, north, northwesterly, pinching, southbound, southwestern, westerly

Definition n. (Greek mythology) one of a people that the ancient Greeks believed lived in a warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind

Last update: July 10, 2015


In northern Asia are found other aborigines, such as the Ainus of Japan and the so-called hyperborean races (Chukchis, &c.), but no materials are at present forthcoming for their history.   [Please select]


I'm hyperborean as much as you.'   [Please select]


What a great Protestant power has arisen in northern Germany to awe and keep in check not Catholicism merely, but such a hyperborean giant as Russia in its daring encroachments.   [Please select]


I wonder why Carlyle or Froude has not bolstered up and defended this great hyperborean giant for doing evil that good may come.   [Please select]


Thus she was enabled to grasp the lurid sun by two enormous whiskers, and, putting her lips out, gave it a charming "nor'-wester," which was returned with hyperborean violence.'   [Please select]


Europe beheld the extraordinary spectacle of this infatuated hero passing, in the depth of a northern winter, over the frozen hills and ice-bound rocks of Norway, with his devoted army, in order to conquer that hyperborean region.   [Please select]


They heard of hyperborean regions of stiffened seas, of the hisses and roars which the ocean gives forth when the sun plunges into his bath.   [Please select]


It was a swan--a hyperborean wild swan.   [Please select]

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hyperbolical - hyperborean - hyperboreans