Sentence example with the word 'imperfectly'


a bit, by a hair, deficiently, faintly, hardly, incompletely, just a bit, meagerly, negligibly, partially, slightly, weakly

Definition adv. in an imperfect or faulty way

Last update: August 10, 2015


The law is, however, imperfectly enforced for financial reasons.   [Please select]


Imperfectly acquainted with the habits and functions of the elephant in a state of nature, Dr.   [Please select]


This was the first real gas engine, though it was crude and very imperfectly arranged.   [Please select]


It is always bad for a pupil to attempt to describe what he sees but imperfectly.   [Please select]


You upholster the wires of your cage with swan's-down and you leave the eggs imperfectly protected.'   [Please select]


With his squadron but imperfectly manned, he sailed from Spithead on the 7th of April.   [Please select]


The biography of General Garfield, however imperfectly executed, can not but be profitable to the reader.   [Please select]


Meanwhile Volusenus returned, at the end of five days, to report the result of his mission: as he had not ventured to land, he had only performed it imperfectly.   [Please select]


She was devoured, consumed by the agony of restlessness which shook through her, directing and controlling her slender judgment like a perpetual and imperfectly subdued convulsion of passion.   [Please select]

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imperfections - imperfectly - imperfectness