Sentence example with the word 'inauguration'


accedence, celebration, coronation, enrollment, flotation, immission, instatement, maiden speech, organization, religious ceremony, settling

Definition n. the act of starting a new operation or practice

Last update: October 20, 2015


The president's inauguration is in February.   [Please select]


Immediately after his inauguration he began filling the militia regiments with young men ready for active service, saw that they were well drilled and supplied them with good modern rifles.   [Please select]


He's just got back from de inauguration.   [Please select]


] In 1833, people who were coming from the West to attend President Jackson's second inauguration travelled part of the way by railroad.   [Please select]


His inauguration was but a few weeks over when the Civil War began.   [Please select]


The morning before the inauguration, Adams called on Jefferson and discussed with him the policy to be pursued toward France.   [Please select]


Appropriately, therefore, Jefferson's inauguration on March 4, 1801, the first at the new capital at Washington, was marked by extreme simplicity.   [Please select]

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inaugurating - inauguration - inaugurations