Sentence example with the word 'innervation'


Definition n. the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland

Last update: September 16, 2015


Only a few papers and works can be mentioned here, with the remark that few authors have paid attention to the all-important innervation of the muscles.   [Please select]


The sting must therefore pierce the cervical ganglions; the centre of innervation upon which the rest of the organism is dependent.   [Please select]


It is the general rule that larvae possess a centre of innervation for each segment.   [Please select]


Their centres of innervation will therefore be stabbed as well, with the leisure which the Mantis, now put out of action, permits.   [Please select]


The sting must therefore aim at the cervical ganglia, the seat of innervation on which the rest of the organism depends.   [Please select]


A stronger psychophysical excitement is necessary in order to secure the innervation of the big muscles in the central nervous system.   [Please select]


It is regarded as a motor or secondary activity, the key to the innervation of which is located in the presentations of the Unc.   [Please select]


Here again we replace a topical mode of presentation by a dynamic; it is not the psychic formation that appears to us as the moving factor but the innervation of the same.   [Please select]

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innervates - innervation - innervations