Sentence example with the word 'intermittency'


Last update: November 2, 2015


In the intermittent system the waste heat can, it is true, be utilized either for raising steam (but inefficiently and inconveniently, because of the intermittency), or by a regenerative method like the Siemens, Fig.   [Please select]


Fish were removed in the belief that sustained intermittency in the winter of 1953-1954 would result in severe winterkill.   [Please select]


The Neosho madtom is nearly restricted to gravel riffles having moderate flow; therefore, it may be drastically reduced by intermittency of flow.   [Please select]


(6) List any demonstrable effects of intermittency of streams on fish distribution within the area.   [Please select]


Crab Creek, Beaver Creek, and a small unnamed tributary of Grouse Creek were severely affected by intermittency.   [Please select]


Variable climate characteristic of the region studied causes recurrent floods and intermittency in streams.   [Please select]


The effects of intermittency were most strikingly demonstrated in small creeks of the uplands.   [Please select]


However, the duration of intermittency varied greatly in different streams, as did its effect in terms of the number and sizes of residual pools, water temperatures, pollution, and turbidity.   [Please select]


Species less tolerant of intermittency are _Notropis boops_, _Notropis camurus_, _Notropis rubellus_, _Notropis volucellus_, and _Pimephales tenellus_; they have not been taken far west of the area studied, and become more common east of it.   [Please select]

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intermittence - intermittency - intermittent