Sentence example with the word 'keening'


Last update: October 24, 2015


BANSHEE (Irish bean sidhe; Gaelic ban sith, " woman of the fairies"), a supernatural being in Irish and general Celtic folklore, whose mournful screaming, or "keening," at night is held to foretell the death of some member of the household visited.   [Please select]


The news came to Bodb Dearg's place, and all the people gave out three loud, high cries, keening their nursling.   [Please select]


CAILLIACHS, old women on whom devolved the duty of lamenting for the dead, which the Irish call keening.   [Please select]


There ensued a period when only a shrill keening marked the passing of Roderick as he was borne to the tumbril.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XVII THE KEENING In the wan hours left to him came three women, one after another, and spoke the truth so far as they knew it each.   [Please select]


It was true that a keening minie or one of the monstrous shells might in an instant shear his thread of life, probably would do so; all the probabilities lay that way.   [Please select]

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keenest - keening - keenly