Sentence example with the word 'kinsfolk'


Definition n. people descended from a common ancestor

Last update: August 17, 2015


Four points are clear: (i) the Australians represent a distinct race; (2) they have no kinsfolk among the neighbouring races; (3) they have occupied the continent for a very long period; (4) it would seem that the Tasmanians must represent a still earlier occupation of Australia, perhaps before the Bass Strait existed.   [Please select]


Have you ever heard anything from your fathers kinsfolk, the Eyres.   [Please select]


I wonder that they do not go back to honest work among their kinsfolk.   [Please select]


--How sweet to hear these names where one was talking of distant acquaintance and kinsfolk, or telling of far journeys.   [Please select]


But, at about seventeen, Elizabeth began to pay visits among her kinsfolk.   [Please select]


It is but for a space, for a few weeks; and thy kinsfolk will be with thee again, and I also.   [Please select]


According to thy word I have brought the kinsfolk of Jehoiakim, king of Judah,--chief of whom is Nehushta, the princess.   [Please select]

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kinky - kinsfolk - kinship