Sentence example with the word 'languishes'


Last update: August 2, 2015


Representative art languishes, except a few childish terra-cottas; decorative art becomes once more purely geometrical, but shows only slight affinity with the contemporary geometrical art of the Aegean.   [Please select]


In the midst of trials, reports, and modifications, pauperism increases, and the workingman languishes and dies.   [Please select]


Every pleasure languishes when enjoyed a-part from company, and every pain becomes more cruel and intolerable.   [Please select]


France also was "considerably enfeebled and languishes under a heavy load of debt."   [Please select]


For first, daily experience convinces us, that pride requires certain causes to excite it, and languishes when unsupported by some excellency in the character, in bodily accomplishments, in cloaths, equipage or fortune.   [Please select]


The mind, when left to itself, immediately languishes; and in order to preserve its ardour, must be every moment supported by a new flow of passion.   [Please select]

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languisher - languishes - languishing