Sentence example with the word 'laughers'


Last update: October 8, 2015


And his popular works, the Adagia, and the Colloquia (1524), had established themselves as standard books in the more easy going age, when power, secure in its unchallenged strength, could afford to laugh with the laughers at itself.   [Please select]


The beaks of spots, swallows, and laughers are only a very little shorter, or of the same proportional length, but slenderer.   [Please select]


The beaks of Spots, Swallows, and Laughers are only a very little shorter, or of the same proportional length, but slenderer.   [Please select]


Why is it that certain kinds of laughter seem to spoil something hidden away from the laughers.   [Please select]


But it is not from the laughers alone that the philosophy of history is to be learned.   [Please select]


I have kept two varieties of Laughers, which differed only in one variety being turn-crowned; the smooth-headed kind, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mr.   [Please select]


In the last chapter I stated that Trumpeters and Laughers, both so remarkable for their voices, seem to have been perfectly characterized in 1735; and Laughers were apparently known in India before the year 1600.   [Please select]

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laugher - laughers - laughing