Sentence example with the word 'logged'


booked, documented, down, enrolled, entered, filed, indexed, inscribed, legal, minuted, of record, official, on file, on record, on the books, posted, recorded, registered, written down

Last update: July 24, 2015


We had no right to challenge his choices in spite of our lives being tied to his as tightly as a water-logged knot.   [Please select]


At midnight the wind blew fresh from the north-west, and with all sails set, the ship logged twelve knots.   [Please select]


When this is displaced by water the wood becomes water-logged and sinks.   [Please select]


Its country consisted of marshy, water-logged plains, or mountains with narrow valleys.   [Please select]


And at last they saw an ugly sight--the black side of a great ship, water-logged in the trough of the sea.   [Please select]


There was a heavy sea for an inland lake, and the row-boat made very bad weather of it, in her water-logged condition.   [Please select]


Lord Newhaven retraced his steps slowly along the bank in his water-logged boots.   [Please select]

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loges - logged - logger