Sentence example with the word 'ludicrousness'


Last update: October 1, 2015


She looked, though so lovely, also so conspicuous that there was a certain ludicrousness in her appearance.   [Please select]


The ludicrousness of her clothes being made to fit me struck her at once.   [Please select]


"He is true blue on this side," said Thomas, laughing heartily, as the ludicrousness of Harry's uniform dawned upon him.   [Please select]


The ludicrousness of the whole affair was enhanced by the fact, already mentioned, that the ground was perfectly flat, and absolutely without vegetation, except for the long rows of newly planted cranberry vines.   [Please select]


It was simple almost to ludicrousness; yet it was very serious, for it showed a reasoned plan of campaign with which we were very ill-prepared to cope.   [Please select]

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ludicrously - ludicrousness - luffed