Sentence example with the word 'lusted'


Last update: October 24, 2015


No, though I admit with head bowed, I lusted after her in my mind enough times.   [Please select]


No doubt Samson lusted for it as sinfully and lustily and craftily as any one.   [Please select]


Yet even Patali did not know the real reason why Gungadhura lusted for possession of that small house on the hill.   [Please select]


Their plundering had cost them dear, for they had exposed themselves recklessly to get what their eyes lusted for.   [Please select]


As soon as the sun rose the King came, and when he perceived the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart only lusted more than ever after the precious metal.   [Please select]


There were the cutlets they did at the club, and a particular ham that stood on the cold table, for which my soul lusted.   [Please select]

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lushness - lusted - luster