Sentence example with the word 'lyrists'


Last update: July 5, 2015


Schelling's Seventeenth Century Lyrics, in Athenaeum Press Series; Cavalier and Courtier Lyrists, in Canterbury Poets Series; Gosse's Jacobean Poets; Lovelace, etc.   [Please select]


However, the recollection of the merry lyrists with the speckled breasts and silvery voices, brings to mind Mr.   [Please select]


Had we only his minor poems, he would rank as the first of lyrists.   [Please select]


He is the possessor of a clear, musical voice, and if he had the vocal organs of some of the oscines, he certainly would be one of the best feathered lyrists of America.   [Please select]


Just so the lyrists of fields and woods pipe their roundels and _chansons_ through the chink in their throats, save that in the bird's case the mouth and tongue are anterior to the whistling aperture.   [Please select]

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lyrist - lyrists - lysis