Sentence example with the word 'macadam'


asphalt, bituminous macadam, brick, cobble, concrete, curbing, edgestone, flagging, gravel, kerbstone, pavestone, paving stone, stone, tile

Definition n. broken stone used in macadamized roadways

Last update: August 20, 2015


They have put macadam to lay the road.   [Please select]


About three-fourths of the city's total street mileage (120 m.) is paved, Belgian block or macadam being used on the principal thoroughfares.   [Please select]


It is a broad macadam, perfectly constructed.   [Please select]


The latter's wife, in a sudden huff, deliberately left them, crossing the macadam driveway in plain view of the stranger.   [Please select]


With the improvement of roads by the famous Macadam in 1816, began improved travelling and increased speed.   [Please select]


On the trip both Captain Macadam and the chief mate died of the fever.   [Please select]


Macadam in 1830, and Stevenson in 1847, were the real fathers of the "Roads Improvement Movement" in England.   [Please select]


At a high rate of speed, however, the automobile does raise a fine sandy dust, and exposes the macadam.   [Please select]


Rubber-tired carriages roll constantly by along Uncle Sam's macadam, amid the jingling of their musical bells.   [Please select]


Macadam, by using broken stone to form the road-crust or surface, brought about a great improvement in road-making.   [Please select]


I stumbled sleepily down into Panama and for some distance along Avenida Central before I was able to hail an all night hawk chasing a worn little wreck of a horse along the macadam.   [Please select]

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macaco - macadam - macadamize