Sentence example with the word 'majordomo'


Last update: June 10, 2015


Next come the four palatine prelates, the majordomo, the superintendent of the household and its staff, and successor of the ancient vicedominus; the master of the chamber, who presides over the arrangement of audiences; the auditor, or private secretary; and finally the master of the sacred palace (magister sacri palatii), a kind of theological adviser, always a Dominican, whose special duty is nowadays the revision of books published at Rome.   [Please select]


The majordomo turned, and, at once dropping his musket, ran across, and, falling on his knees, pressed Jack's hand to his lips.   [Please select]


The majordomo threw back the bolts and the carter pushed his way in.   [Please select]


Vastly subdued the majordomo preceded the carter into the office of the embassy.   [Please select]


Guarding his voice with his hand, the majordomo whispered two words.   [Please select]


An old majordomo came with uncertain steps of nervous haste, crying: "The servants are gone, monsieur."   [Please select]


The man at the hearthside looked up, and François saw, as he had suspected, that he was the majordomo.   [Please select]

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major - majordomo - majorities