Sentence example with the word 'malines'


Last update: October 28, 2015


Other OresThe mining of zinc the chief deposits of which are at Malines (Gard), Les Bormettes ~Var) and Planioles (Lot), and of lead, produced especially at Chaliac (Ardche), ranks next in importance to that of iron.   [Please select]


Malines, being now in command, issued an order that all the emigrants should go below, and the hatches be secured.   [Please select]


Mr Malines was one of those wise men who know when they have met their match.   [Please select]


Malines returned to the quarter-deck, followed by a half-suppressed laugh from some of the mutinous emigrants.   [Please select]


Instantly Malines went forward and began to give hurried directions to the steersman.   [Please select]


The state of affairs was so serious that Malines either did not see, or did not care for, what was going on.   [Please select]


"An island, I suppose," said Malines, as the raft came alongside.   [Please select]


Not worth speaking of, I assure you; we're quite used to it," replied Malines, not knowing very well what he said."'   [Please select]


"Malcontents," the, 71 Malines, 380 Malmesbury, Lord, _see_ Harris Malplaquet, 293 _Mains Intercursus_, 17 Manhattan, 166, 177 Mansfeld, Count of, 33, 40, 93 Maranhão, 175 Marcelis, Gabriel, 182 Margaret, Archduchess, daughter of Mary and Maximilian, regent, 11 f.   [Please select]


Playing-cards, snuffboxes, and fringed gloves elbowed a shelf of books, and a full-bottomed wig ogled a lady's headdress of ribbon and malines.   [Please select]

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maligns - malines - malingerer