Sentence example with the word 'malingerer'


blagueur, charlatan, eye-servant, fraud, humbug, impostor, old soldier, pretender, quackster, shammer, skulker, soldier, waiter on welsher

Definition n. someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity

Last update: July 3, 2015


The Portugee cook, sick of fever--I think he's a blighted malingerer--was the only creature there.   [Please select]


As it was not in Peter to be a malingerer he was left in peace, while we picked apples.   [Please select]


One night there was a heavy snowfall, and in the morning Pike, the malingerer, did not appear.   [Please select]


Pike, the malingerer, who, in his lifetime of deceit, had often successfully feigned a hurt leg, was now limping in earnest.   [Please select]


He is a malignant sort of simpleton, and though all the while joking in clumsy sympathy he supervises the evacuation of quarters with a sharp eye for the evasive malingerer.   [Please select]

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malines - malingerer - malingerers