Sentence example with the word 'metallurgical'


Definition adj. of or relating to metallurgy

Last update: October 14, 2015


= Generators--Generators Employing Steam--Stirring and Feed Regulating Appliances--Direct Generators--Burners--Regenerators and Recuperators--Glass Smelting Furnaces--Metallurgical Furnaces--Pottery Furnace--Coal Dust Firing.   [Please select]


The ancient world, because of its metallurgical inferiority, could not use steam.   [Please select]


All the most recent metallurgical appliances have been introduced, and a considerable population has been drawn to the place.   [Please select]


The railways and early engines of all sorts were the mere first triumphs of the new metallurgical methods.   [Please select]


This was as true of such ancient industries as agriculture and mining as it was of the newest metallurgical processes.   [Please select]


The dynamo brought into service not only light and power but heat; and the electric furnace in turn gave rise to several great metallurgical and chemical industries.   [Please select]


The early engines seem to the modern eye very pitiful and clumsy bits of ironmongery, but they were the utmost that the metallurgical science of the time could do.   [Please select]

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metalliferous - metallurgical - metallurgist