Sentence example with the word 'miffed'


aggravated, annoyed, browned-off, burnt-up, disturbed, galled, huffy, irritated, peeved, provoked, resentful, roiled, troubled

Definition adj. aroused to impatience or anger

Last update: July 28, 2015


She was a bit miffed at his ignorance.   [Please select]


I was miffed that I was the sole person burdened with straightening out this mess.   [Please select]


She miffed and started to reply, but thought better of it.   [Please select]


The plain-clothes men will probably be miffed at being called in now that we have meddled with the case and messed it all up.   [Please select]


Keith, though a little miffed at being ignored by him, had time to observe him as he talked to his other visitors in turn.   [Please select]

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miff - miffed - miffs