Sentence example with the word 'moron'


ament, clot, cretin, dullard, dumbbell, dummy, half-wit, ignoramus, juggins, natural, natural-born fool, simpleton, zany

Definition n. a person of subnormal intelligence

Last update: July 4, 2015


She really had her guard up, causing him to wonder if some moron had just dumped her.   [Please select]


Leaving Quintero, they anchored, on the 15th of April, off Moron Moreno.   [Please select]


But evidently he thought even a low-grade moron could boil rice.   [Please select]


Captain Pedro Sarmiento [33] went from Manila for this purpose, and on another occasion the captain and sargento-mayor, Juan de Moron; [34] but neither of these expeditions met with the desired result.   [Please select]

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morocco - moron - morons