Sentence example with the word 'mourner'


Definition n. a person who is feeling grief

Last update: September 6, 2015


The mourner became ill as he cried day and night.   [Please select]


In Turkish cemeteries the cypress "Dark tree, still sad when others' grief is fled, The only constant mourner o'er the dead" is the most striking feature, the rule being to plant one for each interment.   [Please select]


The sigh of the mourner was unheard, and the tear of anguish was unnoticed by those who lived in their lordly palaces.   [Please select]


"I," said the Dove, "Because of my love; And I will be chief mourner."   [Please select]


Drumsheugh was acknowledged as chief mourner by the Glen, and received us at the gate with a labored attempt at everyday manners.   [Please select]


The truth is there was not a truer mourner for the old Rector than the new one.   [Please select]


Strange slipped a crucifix between the wax-like fingers, and followed--the only mourner--to the Recoleta Cemetery.   [Please select]


In vain she tried each wonted art To heal the mourner's broken heart.   [Please select]


The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner.   [Please select]


Bury him kindly--up in the corner; Bird, beast, and gold-fish are sepulchred there; Bid the black kitten march as chief mourner, Waving her tail like a plume in the air.   [Please select]


There is your earliest Sorrow, a pale young mourner, wearing a sister's likeness to first love, sadly beautiful, with a hallowed sweetness in her melancholy features, and grace in the flow of her sable robe.   [Please select]

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mourned - mourner - mourners