Sentence example with the word 'nitrating'


Last update: August 29, 2015


By nitrating phenol with concentrated nitric acid, no care being taken to keep the temperature of reaction down, trinitrophenol (picric acid) is obtained (see Picric Acid).   [Please select]


~--The most essential condition of nitrating is the correct composition and strength of the mixed acids.   [Please select]


] In operating with this apparatus the nitrating acid is introduced into the nitrating vessel by opening the cock of the pipe _e_.   [Please select]


Means are also provided to enable the displacing water to be run quietly on to the surface of the nitrating acids.   [Please select]


21 a plan of the nitrating vessel and its accessories is given.   [Please select]


As the fibres differ greatly in their structure, they require different methods of nitrating.   [Please select]


By simply nitrating at a higher temperature than the cotton, the flax will yield a pyroxyline giving an equally fluid collodion.   [Please select]


In the winter the room in which the nitrating is done must be kept at a temperature of about 70° F.   [Please select]


The amount of real nitric acid (mono-hydrate) and the amount of nitric peroxide present in any sample should always be determined before it is used for nitrating purposes.   [Please select]


5) is generally cased in woodwork, with a platform in front for the man in charge of the nitrating to stand upon, and whence to work the various taps.   [Please select]

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nitrates - nitrating - nitration