Vision is evidently excited from the occipital lobes, though not yet conclusively proved. [Please select]
Moy-Thomas (1937:389) points out that in _Rhabdoderma_ the occipital region is "considerably more ossified" than in any coelacanths other than the Devonian forms. [Please select]
--No vertical crest of hair on the head, nor is the occipital hair directed downwards, as in the next species. [Please select]
--Length, and breadth as compared with length of each, with presence or absence of the occipital ridge. [Please select]
_--From anteriormost projection of the premaxillae to posteriormost projection of the occipital condyles (a to a´). [Please select]
Posteriorly, this bone forms the ventral part of the occipital condyle. [Please select]
The ventral arms of the squamosal and the supraoccipital region of the exoccipital are the first occipital bones to appear. [Please select]
Look at the skull of the pig in any one of the highly improved breeds, with the occipital condyles and other parts greatly modified; or look at that of the niata ox. [Please select]
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