Sentence example with the word 'orientalism'


Definition n. the scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures and languages and people

Last update: October 23, 2015


6) tells us that in his own time the linen chiton of Ionia had again been discarded in favour of the Doric dress, and the monuments show that after the Persian wars a reaction against Orientalism showed itself in a return to simpler fashions.   [Please select]


The monarchy took a step forward towards orientalism by an increased insistence upon the worship of the ruler.   [Please select]


Nahoum's Christianity was permeated with Orientalism, the Christian belief obscured by the theism of the Muslim.   [Please select]


This outward display of Orientalism could only be a reflex of the mind.   [Please select]


By association of ideas with the orientalism of Sultana he was called by the girls the Bashibazook.   [Please select]


The spirit which had kept the old room unchanged, even to the faded books of Orientalism and the old pictures strangely mellowed, had led to the hiding of the key away from vandal fingers.   [Please select]

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