Sentence example with the word 'outermost'


apparent, epidermic, exterior, extrinsic, open, outer, outmost, outstanding, outward-facing, public, seeming, surface

Definition adj. situated at the farthest possible point from a center

Last update: August 23, 2015


Pluto is the outermost planet of our Solar system.   [Please select]


Outermost layer of root-cap. c. Wall marking the inner limit of the outer cortex.   [Please select]


Those who would make the metopes all alike, make the outermost intercolumniations narrower by half the width of a triglyph.   [Please select]


; shaft of baculum not widened at base; outermost dorsal dark stripe never obsolete _Eutamias minimus_, p.   [Please select]


; shaft of baculum widened at base; outermost dorsal dark stripe often obsolete, never strongly evident.   [Please select]


In a short time they had been admitted to the outermost craft, which lay moored to its fellows.   [Please select]


Tail deeply forked, of twelve feathers, the outermost greatly elongated and abruptly attenuated.   [Please select]


So scant, indeed, that the outermost tip of a reed broom, flourished in insolent salaam, touched the Rajput's sleeve.   [Please select]


The outermost cells continue the same process, thus forming an outer investing layer.   [Please select]


No sooner had Finn entered the outermost ring of dim firelight than the man looked up and saw, not the whole of him, but the light flickering on his legs.   [Please select]


Thus the fibres half-way between the neutral plane and the outer surface experience only half as much shortening or elongation as the outermost or extreme fibres.   [Please select]

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outer - outermost - outers