Sentence example with the word 'overcharge'


adorn, cathexis, desire concentration, extortion, hold up, make much of, overfullness, overstate, repletion, stretch the truth, trick out

Definition n. a price that is too high

Last update: July 3, 2015


The overcharge in the goods is very high.   [Please select]


The shopkeeper makes a profit by overcharge.   [Please select]


The battery got spoilt due to overcharge.   [Please select]


The ore, supposed to have been salt-roasted, is charged loosely into the leaching vat and treated with water (to which sulphuric acid or copper sulphate may have been added), to remove soluble salts, which might later on be precipitated with the silver (base-metal chlorides), or overcharge the solution (sodium chloride and sulphate), or interfere with the solvent power (sodium sulphate).   [Please select]


"I shall not overcharge you," Dias said with a smile.   [Please select]


"I niver overcharged a man in my life, except durin' a campaign."'   [Please select]


The Methodist brother, who had been growing more and more overcharged with suppressed knowledge, could contain himself no longer.   [Please select]


As I look upon it now, I say that no whit of its colour is overcharged.   [Please select]


There was an overcharge of sensibility in her feelings or a strange pressure in the very atmosphere.   [Please select]

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overcautious - overcharge - overcharged