Sentence example with the word 'passionless'


affectless, catatonic, coldhearted, dull, frozen, inappetent, nirvanic, soulless, unattracted, unemotional, unmoved, untouchable

Definition adj. not passionate

Last update: June 13, 2015


And li., and in Greek literature the striking words which Porphyry quotes from an earlier writer, "We ought, then, having been united and made like to God, to offer our own conduct as a holy sacrifice to Him, the same being also a hymn and our salvation in passionless excellence of soul" (Euseb.   [Please select]


There ensued a passionless flow of question and answer.   [Please select]


For an Englishman to write the history of Ireland without prejudice he must be either a cosmopolitan philosopher, or a passionless recluse.   [Please select]


But, from whatever cause, they give to a stranger like me, the impression of being perfectly frigid, perfectly passionless.   [Please select]


But out there beside the whispering wheat, under the passionless stars, in the dreaming night, it had turned into a blessing.   [Please select]


So passionless was the little caress that, perhaps more than anything else, it typified the change in their relation.   [Please select]


"Oh, I don't dispute his right," she replied, once more in her passionless monotone.   [Please select]


"In time," he repeated, his passionless voice now under perfect control.   [Please select]


He bent lower, touched the hem of her magnificent robe, and his voice, which had been quite even and passionless, changed in tone.   [Please select]


Such was the genius of Lincoln--all but passionless, yet so quiet that one cannot but believe in the great depth of his nature.   [Please select]

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passionateness - passionless - passions