Sentence example with the word 'pedestals'


Last update: June 16, 2015


On one side of the central courtyard of the latter building is a chapel with inscribed pedestals for imperial statues (2nd and 3rd century A.D.) and a well-preserved black and white mosaic representing a sacrifice (see J.   [Please select]


Projections of the stylobate or pedestals.   [Please select]


The telephone directory lay open on one of the pedestals.   [Please select]


Formal pedestals surmounted by gracefully curved urns, box trees, statues, marble benches, fountains--all these belong to the formal outdoor trellis.   [Please select]


Using dry concrete in warm weather the forms for retaining walls, pedestals, isolated pillars, etc.   [Please select]


The Romans also adopted coupled columns, broken and recessed entablatures, and pedestals, which are considered blemishes.   [Please select]


Overmantels, "cosy-corners," flung Indian shawls, "pieces" snatched from bazaars, and "carelessly" hung over pedestals and divans found no favor in Rosamund's eyes.   [Please select]


Jove in all his majesty followed, as he and his wife occupied the central pedestals in the half-circle of immortals.   [Please select]


Upon ornate small tables and pedestals were vases and cases--one of the latter containing a number or orchids, in flower.   [Please select]


The lines of division were guarded by low balustrading, broken by massive pedestals, many of which were surmounted with statuary.   [Please select]


We reached the place just in time to see her run across the quarry, slip in between two great blocks that were standing up like statue pedestals on the other side, and disappear.   [Please select]

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pedestalled - pedestals - pedestrian