Sentence example with the word 'penalize'


acquit, blacklist, call to account, chastise, damn, discipline, fine, masthead, pillory, punish, take to task

Definition v. impose a penalty on

Last update: September 9, 2015


This was ratified on the 1st of February 1903, subject to a declaration by Great Britain that she did not consent to penalize bounty-fed sugar from the British colonies.   [Please select]


DECISION Law 54 provides that "A player cannot redouble his partner's double," but does not penalize such action.   [Please select]


Tackling and ducking are fouls and penalized by allowing a free throw for goal from a point fifteen feet away.   [Please select]


They had the sense and strength to penalize art; they alone survived.   [Please select]


Freedom of thought would be penalized, and all independence of spirit would die out.   [Please select]


Surely we will find that if the other states have not the grace to protect this bird on account of its exquisite beauty they will not penalize it by extra long open seasons.   [Please select]


Reconciled now to the dominant creed, with a Maryland where Catholics were heavily penalized, Baltimore resumed the government under favor of the Crown.   [Please select]

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penalization - penalize - penalized