Sentence example with the word 'personation'


acting, characterization, enactment, hoke, incarnation, mimicry, pantomime, performing, portrayal, slapstick, stunt

Definition n. imitating the mannerisms of another person

Last update: June 17, 2015


It may be a case of bullying personation.   [Please select]


It is not his instinct to put on a mask, even for purposes of artistic personation, and much less of affectation.   [Please select]


I gather that your personation of this English baronet has been successfully carried through.   [Please select]


At the close of your personation the hearers may vote upon the name of the bird presented.   [Please select]


At Yea, on the other hand, the personation and robbery would ever after be attributed to a member of the gang that had waylaid and murdered the new manager with that very object.   [Please select]


I at first imagined it was someone O'Gorman had sent down here to help Josie, but none of our boys would undertake such a spectacular personation, bound to attract attention.'   [Please select]

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