Sentence example with the word 'pharynx'


alveolar ridge, arytenoid cartilages, dorsum, goozle, guzzle, larynx, oral cavity, soft palate, teeth, tip, vocal chink, vocal processes, wizen

Definition n. the passage to the stomach and lungs

Last update: August 17, 2015


Lateropharyngeal: applied to the 4th pair of salivary glands in bees; situated on each side of the pharynx.   [Please select]


In almost any part of the pharynx, but especially near the entrance of the gullet, tumors interfere with the act of swallowing.   [Please select]


Salivation is set up by the inflammation of the mouth and pharynx.   [Please select]


Internally it may attack the tongue and appear in the form of a tumor in the mouth, pharynx, or larynx.   [Please select]


The epiglottis is of such a size that the finger does not excite a desire to vomit; and the pharynx and oesophagus are so lax that the passage presents no obstruction.   [Please select]

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pharyngitis - pharynx - phase