Sentence example with the word 'plenum'


air, brute matter, concourse, cycle, fete, line, nature, rank, sidereal universe, system

Definition n. a meeting of a legislative body at which all members are present

Last update: September 22, 2015


That there is no vacuum - that every part of space is full of matter, that there is a universal plenum, and that all motion is like that of a fish in the water, which yields in front of the fish because the fish leaves room for it behind.   [Please select]


In the Cartesian system the cause of motion was pressure within a plenum.   [Please select]


Now though we allow the world to be at present a plenum, we may easily conceive it to be deprived of motion; and this idea will certainly be allowed possible.   [Please select]

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plenty - plenum - pleonastic