Sentence example with the word 'proctors'


Last update: July 30, 2015


But it is more likely, as suggested by Richard Chandler (Life of Waynflete, 1811), that it was some Yorkist attack on him in progress in the papal court, to meet which he appointed next day 19 proctors to act for him.   [Please select]


They says: "There's several; but it's the Proctors, mainly."   [Please select]


She said, don't say nothing about the Proctors, but only about the Apthorpswhich 'll be perfectly true, because she is going there to speak about their buying the house; I know it, because she told me so herself.'   [Please select]


As Anne was afterwards to learn, Miss Cornelia was the only neighbor who troubled herself much about the decency of the young Proctors.   [Please select]


Sometimes this employment is divided amongst many, but there is one supreme over the rest; these are called proctors, notaries, and the like.   [Please select]


Here Stevenson, though original in his vein and way, but follows a great and gracious company in which Fielding and Sterne and so many others stand as pleasant proctors.   [Please select]

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proctor - proctors - procumbent