Sentence example with the word 'qualify'


abate, be successful, confine, equip, have the qualifications, make reservations, pass muster, reform, serve the purpose, subvert, work wonders

Definition v. prove capable or fit

Last update: August 28, 2015


Qualify these remarks.   [Please select]


He even had to qualify his statements as to their sincerity.   [Please select]


It was directed to August Totten and read as follows: "Tell our young friend to qualify statement to press at once."   [Please select]


'Tis to be supposed that some devils are more peculiarly commission'd, and perhaps qualify'd, for some countries, while others are for others.'   [Please select]


Lucilla's look of pain induced Miss Grimston promptly to qualify her statement.   [Please select]


But he was far too shrewd and subtle not to qualify his apparent approval of the conditions he describes.   [Please select]


He was sharp and observing, and meant to qualify himself for his position as soon as possible.   [Please select]


_Names of Fishes_ Technical names of fishes are those that seem to qualify under the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature.   [Please select]


And he adds that 'Where the whole is different, the terms that qualify and contribute to it must so far be different.'   [Please select]


But the newspapers now, with a kindred reluctance, were beginning to qualify, bit by bit, their first representation of the German attack through Belgium as a vast and already partly thwarted parade of incompetence.   [Please select]


"Nay, young sir," returned the old woman, "that ought rather to qualify you for such recognition, for are not His ways said to be wonderful--ay, sometimes `past finding out'."'   [Please select]

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qualifies - qualify - qualifying