Sentence example with the word 'qualitatively'


Definition adv. in a qualitative manner

Last update: June 29, 2015


The life of an average Indian is qualitatively better now.   [Please select]


What exists as a substance and the basis of qualities or forms (quod est) may be said substare; the forms on the other hand by which such an individual substance exists qualitatively (quo est) subsistent, though it cannot be said that they substant.   [Please select]


Sulphides may also be tested for, qualitatively, with lead acetate solution, or test-paper of sodium nitro-prusside.   [Please select]


The theory which explains all differences by motions of the parts of a qualitatively simple world, is called _mechanism_.   [Please select]


In order to produce such qualitatively good results at an early stage, it is left to him to choose any groups of movements which happen to be convenient to him.   [Please select]


In order to describe such occurrences as chemical combination, or changes in volume and density, the scientist has employed as a unit the least particle, physically indivisible and qualitatively homogeneous.   [Please select]

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qualitative - qualitatively - qualities