Sentence example with the word 'ravager'


betrayer, deceiver, depredator, forager, freebooter, marauder, plunderer, raper, rapparee, reiver, sacker, spoiler, violator

Last update: June 12, 2015


What a fury of destruction once the ravager is installed in the vegetable treasure-house.   [Please select]


Has this pigmy of the family the same talents as the giant, the ravager of the oak-tree.   [Please select]


But this unaccountable gray ravager was bigger than any two such wolves, fiercer and more dauntless than any ten.   [Please select]


The good fortune that secured me the ravaged pupa taught me nothing concerning the tactics of the ravager.   [Please select]


It is an ascending shaft, tempting to an enemy; and some underground ravager might come this way and destroy the nest by attacking the row of cells at the back.   [Please select]


This puny grub, which will spin itself an infinitesimal cocoon of white silk under the piece attacked and will later become an insignificant moth, is the primordial ravager.   [Please select]

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ravagement - ravager - ravagers