Sentence example with the word 'retorting'


Last update: October 28, 2015


Instead of retorting, she said, That's not how I wanted this conversation to go.   [Please select]


Beverley felt like retorting that a little forethought, zeal and preparation might have lessened the prospective gloom.   [Please select]


"You wouldn't understand if I told you," Matthew was retorting, when Maude put her hand on his lips.   [Please select]


"Yes," Sterry could not help retorting, "for if justice were done to you rustlers none would be left."   [Please select]


Desnoyers waxed very indignant over his wife's low spirits, retorting: "But I tell you that Nobody will kill Julio."   [Please select]


Selwyn and Miss Erroll, strolling together out of the nursery and down the stairs, fell unconsciously into the amiable exchange of badinage again; she taunting him with his undignified behaviour, he retorting in kind.   [Please select]


One day they had a hot dispute, Kriemhild declaring that her husband was without peer in the world, and Brunhild retorting that since he was Gunther's vassal he must be his inferior.   [Please select]

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retorted - retorting - retorts