Sentence example with the word 'roughen'


agitate, churn, disarrange, excite, gnarl, knob, pimple, rough, shake, stir up, trouble, whisk

Definition v. make rough or rougher

Last update: August 15, 2015


The rocks project in innumerable bosses and crags, which roughen the sides and crests of the ridges.   [Please select]


We use the glass rods to prevent the thread from being caught or roughened.   [Please select]


Black and very delicately roughened with a fine transverse waved striation only perceptible under a good magnifying power.   [Please select]


The friction sound is produced by the rubbing together of roughened surfaces and is characteristic of pleurisy.   [Please select]


These tumors are always sharply outlined and have a roughened surface.   [Please select]


They are generally circular in figure, slightly roughened on the surface, and spring from the skin by a broad base.   [Please select]


The cut surface is granular or roughened, not smooth to the eye.   [Please select]


If he could only reach a part of the forest that was much roughened by outcroppings of rock or gulleyed by rains, he felt that his chance of escape would almost turn into a certainty.   [Please select]


[Illustration: DorĂ© vaulted to a seat on the desk] Seen in the daylight, his head seemed to have been scraped and roughened by the long buffeting of adversity and the rough passage upward.   [Please select]

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roughed - roughen - roughened