Sentence example with the word 'routinely'


again and again, as a whole, by and large, equably, habitually, mainly, mostly, often, on the whole, prevailingly, roughly, unrelievedly

Definition adv. according to routine or established practice

Last update: October 8, 2015


She didn't know what he was, but if he routinely played with the lives of puny humans and bought assassinations…   [Please select]


May Be Confused With Bowhead whales are the only species of large whales found routinely in Arctic waters.   [Please select]


--False killer whales are the only "blackfish" that routinely ride the bow waves of vessels.   [Please select]


The data form located at the end of this guide, usable on both baleen and toothed whales, includes all the measurements routinely taken by cetologists plus a few new ones the authors consider important.   [Please select]

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routine - routinely - routines