Sentence example with the word 'sandwiched'


Last update: October 8, 2015


He hummed, a feeling of mild accomplishment sandwiched between the failure to contact Martha and the trepidation of potentially being made a fool by Seymour "Fitz" Fitzgerald, sheriff candidate.   [Please select]


So, sandwiched in between all the visits and interviews over the Book, were many excursions about locating new men for the University of Washington.   [Please select]


On the two opposite corners were shops, and all along Main Street were all sorts of business establishments, sandwiched in among the dwellings.   [Please select]


Very silent people should be sandwiched between good talkers, or at least voluble talkers.   [Please select]


These few days in town, out of the season, were sandwiched between social functions from which their lives were never free.   [Please select]


--and these comic songs, now sandwiched between his cures and his sales, created much laughter.   [Please select]


A cool day sandwiched into a week of hot weather frequently equaled the best winter records.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

sandwich - sandwiched - sandwiches