Sentence example with the word 'scarlets'


Last update: June 26, 2015


After protracted experimenting Sir Thomas Wardle was able in 1873 to show a series of tussurs well dyed in all the darker shades of colour, but the lighter and bright blues, pinks, scarlets, &c., he could not produce, Subsequently Tessie du Motay found that the fawn colour of natural tussur could be discharged by solution of permanganate of potash, but the oxidizing action was so rapid and violent that it destroyed the fibre itself.   [Please select]


"Silks and satins, scarlets and velvets," as Poor Richard says, "put out the kitchen fire."   [Please select]


Cameron delighted in the flaring scarlets, pinks, greens, blues, and mauves of thirty years ago.   [Please select]


But all reds have something human, even the most luminous scarlets and crimsons--the scarlet verbena, the poppy, our garden geraniums, etc.   [Please select]


"Silks and satins, scarlets and velvets put out the kitchen fire."   [Please select]


Fine rues, powdered heads, silks and scarlets, decorated the men; while the most costly silks, satins, chintzes, calicoes, muslins, etc.   [Please select]


The basic red dyes are not very numerous, and comprise Magenta, Saffranine, Acridine Reds, Acridine Scarlets, Rhoduline Reds, Rhodamine and Neutral Beds.   [Please select]

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scarlet - scarlets - scarp