Sentence example with the word 'scarped'


Last update: September 18, 2015


The scenery about the two Loughs Macnean is carved out in similarly scarped hills, rising to 2188 ft.   [Please select]


Many an officer lay silent or moaning, on the scarped slope, in the terrific tangle about the creek, or on the melancholy plain beyond.   [Please select]


The town appears to have crowned the whole of the plateau, which was protected by scarped rocks against all attack.   [Please select]


It seemed a solitary flame, night around it and a sweep of scarped earth.   [Please select]


The cattle-shed was scarped out of the hillside, and was within a few feet of the blacksmith's house.   [Please select]


Above these rose the old building, partly from a foundation of red rock scarped down to the sea-beach, and partly from the steep green verge of the moat.   [Please select]

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scarp - scarped - scarps