Sentence example with the word 'seeress'


Last update: July 10, 2015


"Tell me something of the past," said Phil, with a view of testing the knowledge of the seeress.   [Please select]


The painter had evidently seized the moment when Fenella's eyes expressed that look of the seeress which Sinfi's eyes, on occasion, so powerfully expressed.   [Please select]


Fenelon learns from Guyon, Kerner from his Seeress, what we fain would know.   [Please select]


The seeress takes off her dress and pronounces a curse upon Death.   [Please select]


It enabled Cassandra to foresee the results of actions passing round her; the Seeress to behold the true character of the person through the mask of his customary life.   [Please select]


If pestilence or murrain prevails in a village, an old woman of repute as a seeress or fortune-teller enters the confines of the village at midnight and beats a pan.   [Please select]

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seepy - seeress - seers