Sentence example with the word 'sniper'


archer, bowman, chasseur, deadeye, expert rifleman, fusileer, grunt, gunner, light infantryman, musketeer, rifleman, shot, trapshooter

Definition n. a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place

Last update: August 25, 2015


But I got suspicious of him, from the way bullets were coming over steadily, and I decided that that tree hid a sniper.   [Please select]


Soon after that an officer gave me another trophy that is, perhaps, even more interesting than the sniper's suit.   [Please select]


Corporal Rudolph Freund was perhaps the best sniper in his regiment.   [Please select]


And a German sniper, watching for just such chances, caught a glimpse of him.   [Please select]


It was Old Scotty's great ambition to be a sniper or "body snatcher" as Mr.   [Please select]


So when he was detailed as a sniper, a sigh of relief went up from the officers' mess.   [Please select]

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sniped - sniper - snipers