Sentence example with the word 'sociologist'


Definition n. a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society

Last update: July 8, 2015


FRIEDRICH ALBERT LANGE (1828-1875), German philosopher and sociologist, was born on the 28th of September 1828, at Wald, near Solingen, the son of the theologian, J.   [Please select]


A word concerning her: she was the daughter of Professor Platanova, one time oculist and sociologist in a large German University.   [Please select]


The other documents are no less important to the student of ancient literature, the historian, and the sociologist.   [Please select]


A real sociologist would be absorbed in watching this marvelous process: social evolution actually surprised in her workshop.   [Please select]


Aren't you yourself the author of the sentiment that a sociologist ought to have some first-hand knowledge of the problems of society.   [Please select]


They would indeed suggest very interesting topics to the general historian or 'sociologist.'   [Please select]


The curtailment of space in which families live is going on at an alarming rate, although not yet seriously taken into account by the sociologist for the group we are studying.   [Please select]


"That's natural, of course," said he, with a slight smile, "but after all it's rather a woman's way of judging things than a sociologist's."'   [Please select]

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