Sentence example with the word 'spade'


ace, burrhead, deck, dress, furrow, jigaboo, niggra, queen, scrape, till the soil, work

Definition n. a playing card in the major suit that has one or more black figures on it

Last update: June 10, 2015


We use spade to dig pits.   [Please select]


Taking a few turns on the quarter-deck, he paused to gaze over the side, then slowly getting into the main-chains he took Stubb's long spade--still remaining there after the whale's Decapitation--and striking it into the lower part of the half-suspended mass, placed its other end crutch-wise under one arm, and so stood leaning over with eyes attentively fixed on this head.   [Please select]


So hand me up the spade, my dear, I'll mount the barn, the roof to clear.'   [Please select]


Remember we're plain, wholesome, straightforward Anglo-Saxons, who play games and say what we mean, and call a spade a spade and have done with it.'   [Please select]


Apollo made small holes with his spade, and each dead 'un in his small coffin was returned to mother earth.'   [Please select]


The man, without a word, lifted a portion of the straw in the cart, and took out a spade.   [Please select]


Having thus ended the banquet, he went into an outhouse, seized a spade, and quitted Athens for ever.   [Please select]


One day, when he was digging for roots near the shore, his spade struck gold.   [Please select]


You two boys may take a pick and a spade and help Matt get his box out.   [Please select]


A few rapid and accurate strokes with the pick loosened the hard earth, and Apple and Matt quickly spaded it out.   [Please select]


Pretty soon Bert again dropped the spade he had taken up and said: "There, Freddie, you dig awhile."   [Please select]

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spaciousness - spade - spaded