Sentence example with the word 'spaghetti'


Definition n. spaghetti served with a tomato sauce

Last update: October 28, 2015


Spaghetti is a very delicious food item.   [Please select]


Felipa was wearing a perky red satin gown with spaghetti straps and full skirt.   [Please select]


We'll go to Favre's, and have a stuffed pepper and a plate of spaghetti an inch deep, after my own receipt.'   [Please select]


In recent years, at least three kinds of static tags, including spaghetti streamers, have been placed on small and medium-sized cetaceans.   [Please select]


--A spaghetti tag in the back of a blue whale off San Clemente Island, Calif.   [Please select]


--A spaghetti tag in the flank of a bottlenosed dolphin off Loreto, Baja California, Mexico.   [Please select]


She crushed those barriers to what looked like messes of steel spaghetti.   [Please select]


Spaghetti tags, placed in the animal's blubber near the base of the dorsal fin as it rides the bow wave, stream to conform to the contour of the animal's body as it swims (App.)   [Please select]


It is not possible to identify the numbers on the spaghetti tag of a moving animal, although color codes may be used to indicate different species, populations, or tagging areas.   [Please select]

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spaed - spaghetti - spahi