Sentence example with the word 'sparsely'


at infrequent intervals, dispersedly, hardly, in all quarters, infrequently, passim, scantily, scrimpily, sparingly, spottily, throughout, unoften

Definition adv. in a sparse manner

Last update: October 1, 2015


Most locals maneuvered their jeeps, Subarus or pickup trucks on the sparsely traveled roads with little notice of the winter deposits.   [Please select]


Details are sparsely indicated by the use of a reed pen.   [Please select]


Awful swampy, malarious, densely wooded, dangerous country, sparsely inhabited by savages not averse to cannibalism when they've opportunity.   [Please select]


Others are sparsely sprinkled with such exceedingly minute specks of pale pink or grey, as to appear quite spotless until closely examined.   [Please select]


The low bushes that sparsely covered the steep hillsides were too thin for refuge in times of sudden danger.   [Please select]


The camp of dirty tents was clustered in a hot valley surrounded by hills sparsely fringed with trees.   [Please select]


They were traversing now a high table-land, rather sparsely wooded, and dotted here and there with towering rampikes.   [Please select]

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sparse - sparsely - sparseness