Sentence example with the word 'spitfire'


battle-ax, bitch, demon, firebrand, gunsel, hellion, hotspur, monster, scold, terror, tough guy, wild beast

Definition n. a highly emotional and quick-tempered person

Last update: February 20, 2017


Miandad was a spitfire during his cricket career.   [adverb]


During the Mexican War he served, from February to June 1847, as lieutenant and then as commanding officer of the "Spitfire," a paddle vessel built for use on the rivers, and took part in the bombardment of Vera Cruz and in the other naval operations under Commander M.   [verb]


The little spitfire in the seat beside her wriggled uneasily as if she, too, were not as comfortable as she would pretend.   [noun]


The man who did at last step forward was an insignificant fellow, who had been nicknamed Spitfire, and whose chief characteristics were self-will and ill-nature.   [adjective]


"But it will be a great day for the little black-eyed spitfire wife of his he's been neglecting for the past year."   [verb]


Away went Spitfire, mad with the rapture of the race, and the wind in his silky ears.   [Please select]


The Grey Goose was just returning when Jackanapes and Lollo rode back, Spitfire panting behind.   [adjective]


"Oh, what a mean spitfire of a thing you'd be if you did that."   [adverb]

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